
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Make-up Questions, by Taisie

Make-up questions
I saw these questions online and as I read through them, I thought they would be so fun to answer so I decided to post them to my blog. I hope you all enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed answering them!

Monday 29 September 2014

September 2014 Goals Review + October 2014 Goals

Can you believe that it is the end of September already?! It feels like it was only last week that I wrote posted my first September 2014 Goals! It hasn't been an amazingly successful month in terms of goal completion but I have had quite a chilled, relaxed time away from work which was definitely needed, especially since I'll be rushed off my feet with Christmas when I go back on Wednesday. Even though it's not been a very successful month, I'm still going to share my progress with you as well as my goals for October.Sept Goals

Sunday 28 September 2014

Review: Body Shop Cleansing Oil

In my Body Shop/Boots Haul back at the end of August, I noted that I had bought the Body Shop Silky Cleansing Oil. I have had it for a while now and have used it quite a few times so I feel like I can finally give a suitable review for all of my lovely followers.

Cleansing Oil

Friday 26 September 2014

10 Reasons Why Dogs are Better than Humans

I am an avid animal lover, always have been and always will. I had a dog while growing up but when she passed, my family decided not to get another dog. Fast forward years and years of asking and my family finally gave in when I was 14 years old. 6 years later and we have two dogs in the family, Ellie and Tia, who have both taught me so much about life and love, including how dogs are better than humans.
Ellie and Tia

Thursday 25 September 2014

Makeup Review: L'Oreal Paris True Match Minerals Foundation

I bought the L’Oreal Paris True Match Minerals Foundation a few months ago. Before I bought this, I was very much a liquid foundation girl as I felt like it gave me much better coverage. After all, the only other coloured powder I had truly used was the Maybelline Fit Me powder, which is a fairly light powder that doesn’t add much coverage.
After using this product, I am quite torn between liquid and powder foundations and I really want to try out more powders now.
True Match Minerals

Tuesday 23 September 2014

100-Day Resolutions

I realised the other day that today, Tuesday 23rd September, marks 100 days until January 1st 2015! I was quite excited and also thought that it might be a good idea to create a goal to work towards during the last 100 days of the year, as we all know how much I love my goals!
The next 100 days will be quite insane for me, what with Blogtober (publishing a blog post everyday throughout October), heading straight into NaNoWriMo (writing 50,000 words of a novel during November) and then possibly doing Blogmas (the blogger’s version of Vlogmas – another month of posting daily). Plus there will be the birth of my nephew, two other birthdays, my relationship anniversary and Christmas to contend with over the next 100 days so even without the challenges I will be setting myself, I’m going to be quite busy.
So why am I setting myself some 100-day goals?
100 Day Challenge

Lessons Learnt #2

Last September, my friend and I went into Birmingham to watch the Lion King. We got to New Street Station and got a little bit lost walking to the Hippodrome - we went in completely the wrong direction, making the five minute journey last twenty-five minutes. We were only seconds away from being shut out of the first half of the show but luckily we made it just in time. We both loved the performance and I would definitely recommend watching it if you are contemplating going.
After the show, we made our way back to New Street and used the time we were waiting for the train to catch up on recent life events as we don't get to see each other much. The train pulled up a bit early so we got on it. About twenty minutes into the journey, my friend realised she didn't recognise the surroundings. Turns out we had gotten on the wrong train, in the wrong direction.

Monday 22 September 2014

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks, you’re gonna love it!" - Friends 20 Year Homage

Can you all believe that the first ever episode of Friends aired 20 years ago today?! I was only a few months old when the show started so I didn't start watching it until it was close to the end of the run, however that doesn't mean I am any less of a die-hard Friends fan than someone who watched it from day one!
Since it is the anniversary of the show starting, I thought I would compile a list of my favourite quotes from the 10 series of Friends, 2 from each season.
Friends Twitter

Sunday 21 September 2014

Demolishing the Stigma of Mental Illness

Hello lovelies
This post is a bit of an improptu rant about something that I saw while doing my nightly wander around Twitter last night.
Someone on Twitter (@poeticfeminist) had taken a picture of an offensive card in a store and tweeted them the card, stating how offensive it can be to certain people.
Joythestore Card

Saturday 20 September 2014

Book Review: Sleeping Arrangements

I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic (based on the novel by Sophie Kinsella) at the cinema when it came out and although RomComs aren’t my favourite genre of film, I did quite like this chick flick so when I saw Sleeping Arrangements on the Kindle, I realised it was from the same author as Confessions of a Shopaholic and I bought it straight away. I read it not long after finishing A Clash of Kings, hoping for a lighter, easier read and I can’t say that I was disappointed.

Friday 19 September 2014

10 Things I Look for in a Guy

I was 19 before I met my first (and current) boyfriend, which gave me a lot of time during my teenage years to dream of my Mr Perfect. As a result, I knew the characteristics that potential suitors would have to possess for me to consider dating them. After all, the best things come to those who wait.

Hello, My Name is Bunny.

After appearance and sometimes behaviour, names are one of the first things a person is judged on. During interviews, meeting friends, applying university, your name will follow you whatever you are doing: it is you.
Which has always made me wonder… Why do parents give their children silly names?
Photo Source:
Photo Source:

Tuesday 16 September 2014

This or That Tag

This or That Tag
I was tagged by the amazing Bhavini from BeautyPuzzled a few days ago after she read in my 21 Questions tag that I love tags! So, without further ado, here are my thoughts:

Monday 15 September 2014

Moving House

I had been planning on blogging on Friday and Saturday but since I hadn't pre-written the post and I was so busy with the move, I didn't get the chance to post anything so here is my welcome back post!
As part of Monday Mayhem (the chance to post about whatever I want to post about) I decided to give you all an update on my life and my September goals, especially since it is halfway through September now.

Friday 12 September 2014

Best Illustration I Have Ever Seen

I was browsing on Pinterest a few moments ago and stumbled upon this picture/comic/illustration, whatever you want to call it. I don't know what drew me in to it but I started reading it and understanding what was happening and I could really relate to the main character. I wasn't going to post this to my blog until I got to the last part about people's views of the main character and then the explanation at the bottom.
I am definitely an introvert.
I don't like big crowds, I don't like being around a lot of people and I struggle to hold basic conversations with strangers or even people I know but don't know very well. I am more than happy to sit and have my lunch hour by myself and that doesn't mean I'm upset or that something is wrong. It means that I enjoy my own company and I don't need to be around people to feel happy. I find comfort in solitude and that's something that a lot of people simply don't understand.
To see the picture in more detail, please click here

Thursday 11 September 2014

Is there such a thing as being too nice?

I had been planning on writing a post touching on some of the reasons for my upcoming move on Saturday but events at work have caused me to think.
I had an incident today where someone asked me to help them with something which turned into me actually doing it for them. They said they would help in a few minutes when they weren’t busy but never actually came to help me, leading me to think about kindness and being taken for granted, which made me wonder: is there such a thing as being too nice?

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Get to Know Me in 21 Questions!

I simply love tags... They are quick and easy but reveal a lot about the writer and since I love learning about people, I thought I would do the 21 Questions tag so you can all learn a little more about me!

Monday 8 September 2014

Maybelline Baby Lips Review

Maybelline 2
I had heard a lot of hype surrounding the Maybelline Baby Lips products so when I went into Boots earlier in the year and saw they were on a Buy One Get One Half Price offer, I knew I had to get some immediately. I decided to buy the Hydrate lip balm to see if it could cure my dry lips and also the Pink Punch one as I loved the idea of a tinted lip balm. I have always wanted to wear pink lipstick but I am too afraid of buying some and wearing the solid, noticeable colour - I thought this colouring would be a bit more subtle.
I was super excited to try them both out and loved how easily they glided onto my lips, but the results were actually incredibly disappointing.

Saturday 6 September 2014

News for Taisie Odele: The Blog!

As I mentioned in my September Goals post a few days ago, it is one of my goals this month to become more consistent with my blog posts. I haven't been so great at writing recently, leaving up to four days between blog posts. I know that's not awful, but when I have found a blogger or YouTuber that I love, I want them to post daily!
My lack of posts isn't due to a lack of ideas but rather a lack of structure so I set about devising a plan so I know exactly what to write on each day.
If all goes to plan, I will be posting on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, plus any other one-off random posts that I want to write. That sounds like quite a log (and maybe I am horrifically underestimating the workload involved in blogging 5 days a week!) but some of the ideas of posts I have stored up in my post bank should be quite quick and easy to do... I hope!
Keep your eyes peeled for the themes appearing over the following weeks of blog posts!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

September 2014 Goals

Last year I set myself the challenge of eating no McDonald's for the month of June. June passed, as did July and then August. Having that challenge made it fairly easy for me to forgo the chicken nuggets and McFlurrys so I transferred that onto other aspects of my life.
Pretty soon, life got in the way and I ended up forgetting all about the monthly goals. Recently, however, I have been feeling unsatisfied with life. I feel as though I waste a lot of my time and having so many things I wish to do with my life, I don't want to waste any more precious seconds of my life so I have decided to bring back my monthly goals.