
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Achieving Anything In One Year

I was clearing out my emails on my break at work earlier today and saw that I had an email from Amazon, suggesting books that I would like to read. One of the categories was “Most Wished For” and the cover that accompanied it was from the book Achieve Anything in Just One Year: Be Inspired Daily to Live Your Dreams and Accomplish Your Goals. I had heard of the book before so decided to check it out online. When I saw that it was only £1.99 (usually £5.68) I thought to myself why not and hit the "buy now" button.

I have to admit that I was a bit sceptical about the contents of the book since stating you can achieve anything in one year is a pretty hefty claim. As a result, I opened the book on my break and all I can say is that I am glad I did.
I skimmed through the first few pages of the introduction and then realised that the main bulk of the book is set up to be read one page per day. Since is it 6th January today, I read the first six pages of the main book and quickly realised that there is an assignment to do each day. I managed to restrain myself to prevent myself from reading too far into the book as I believe there is magic in the mystery (and reading more of the book might make me lose my inspiration of wanting to complete it!) but one thing that I did read is that the first assignment involves buying a notebook, so I did just that.

I popped to WHSmiths when I finished work and saw this flexible A5 notebook with owls on the cover. There were a few different notebooks that I wanted but had a few specifications in mind that eliminated most of them: I wanted a flexible, A5 book that is not ring-bound. This particular owl book is by noteletts - I have one of their other notebooks and absolutely love it so I thought I was safe going for this brand and, in my opinion, the owls were the nicest design!

It was £5.99 which, I think, is quite expensive considering the notepad isn’t very thick but it does seem like a quality notepad and if it is a vessel for me to be able to achieve anything in a year, I’ll live with that cost!

So here I sit, typing this and proposing to you - yes, you - to buy the book Achieve Anything in Just One Year and complete it yourself! I am 6 days behind currently but I will be looking to make up that time by doing multiple assignments on some days, eventually getting to a stage of completing one page (one assignment) per day.

So what do you say… Fancy joining me in this journey? I’ll be posting my progress along the way, let me know of yours.

- Taisie ♥ | Bloglovin ♥ Twitter ♥ Tumblr ♥ Pinterest ♥ Instagram

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